=================================================== CHT-serial version 1.1 release notes, 2016-11-23 =================================================== The following changes were made compared to the previous version: - A library cht_type_lib with basic chunk and task types and templates to facilitate the construction of chunk and task types was incorporated into the CHT-MPI library. Those templates and types are available in the namespace chttl including for example: * Chunk types for fundamental data types and templates for convenient construction of user-defined trivial data types (for which std::is_trivial evaluates to true). * Chunk template for vector with elements of trivial type, inheriting from std::vector. * Task types for arithmetic and other operations on the chunk types described above. * Chunk type to represent a simple std::string. - Allow up to 10 input chunks to a task type. - Allow CHUNK_ID_NULL as input to tasks also for "executeMotherTask". - Output more information when errors such as for example chunk (memory) leaks are detected. - Some code cleanup and added more checks for correctness in user code so that errors can be caught earlier.