=================================================== CHT-MPI version 1.1 release notes, 2016-11-23 =================================================== The following changes were made compared to the previous version: - A library cht_type_lib with basic chunk and task types and templates to facilitate the construction of chunk and task types was incorporated into the CHT-MPI library. Those templates and types are available in the namespace chttl including for example: * Chunk types for fundamental data types and templates for convenient construction of user-defined trivial data types (for which std::is_trivial evaluates to true). * Chunk template for vector with elements of trivial type, inheriting from std::vector. * Task types for arithmetic and other operations on the chunk types described above. * Chunk type to represent a simple std::string. - A new service "MonitoringService" was added that checks that MPI communication is working as expected, both that MPI calls do not hang and that MPI messages do arrive as expected. Information about errors are output to stderr and then the application is aborted. - Added more information in reports of task and chunk statistics, for example information about min/max/avg time for execution of non-leaf tasks and about the total size of all chunks stored on each worker. - For each task hierarchy, i.e. for each call to "executeMotherTask", output * information about the critical path including the number of tasks and total execution time of all tasks along the path and * the total number of tasks and the total execution time of all those tasks. - Allow up to 10 input chunks to a task type. - Various optimizations, bugfixes, and code cleanup.